[Wrf-users] amd processors and intel compilers

Vassiliki Kotroni kotroni at meteo.noa.gr
Tue Mar 8 13:38:09 MST 2011

dear colleagues

has anyone been able to run wrf on amd processors with intel fortran
compilers (dmpar)?

I would be grateful if I could get any feedback about eventual


thank you in advance



Dr. Vassiliki KOTRONI

Institute of Environmental Research

National Observatory of Athens

Lofos Koufou, P. Pendeli, GR-15236

Athens, Greece

Tel: +30 2 10  8109126

Fax: +30 2 10 8103236

Daily weather forecasts at:

www.noa.gr/forecast (in english)

www.meteo.gr       (in greek)



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