[Wrf-users] WRF3.2.1, Ubuntu Maverick, gfortran compling error

claudiomet claudiomet at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 06:50:25 MDT 2010

Hi users!

I'm compiling WRFv3.2.1 (gfortran, smpar, basic nesting) on Ubuntu
Maverick (10.10) with gfortran. I succesfully compiled NetCDF,
Jasperlib installing all needed packages (with the same gfortran) for
this (build-essential, m4, gfortran and g++) and adding all
environment variables in the .bashrc. But the WRF compilation fails
with this first error:

Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'wrf_data.mod' for reading at (1):
No such file or directory

What can I do ?

Cheers !
Claudio Cortes
+56 (2) 2994121

Laboratorio de Meteorologia y Pronostico de la Calidad del Aire (LMPCA)
Unidad de Modelacion y Gestion de la Calidad del Aire (UMGCA)
Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CENMA)

Claudio Cortes
+56 (2) 2994121

Meteorology and Air Quality Forecast Labs
Modeling and Air Quality Management Unit
National Enviroment Centre, Chile (CENMA)

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