[Wrf-users] WRF 3.2.1 error when starting the nested domain

Xingang Fan xingang.fan at wku.edu
Mon Oct 11 12:46:21 MDT 2010


It would be greatly appreciated if anybody out there could help with the 
following problem.

I am running WRF 3.2.1 with three nests. The D02 and D03 starts 6 hours 
later than D01 the coarse grid. The model runs ok for D01, but stopped 
after output the first time period for D02. The error message is: "... 
Could not find matching time in input file wrfout_d02_1970-01-11_18:00:00".
Details are in the attached wrf_log.txt. Both MPI run and serial (one 
cpu) run have the same problem.
Why here says the input file wrfout_d02..?

Another problem I noticed is the message about "must be old WPS". I am 
running new WPS from 3.2.1 package. In my case, I got data from a GISS 
model output, and it is converted to WRF intermediate format. So, I ran 
only geogrid.exe and megrid.exe.

Thank you in advance for any help. The namelist.input is also attached.
Xingang Fan

Xingang Fan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. Geography&  Geology
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd, #31066
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1066
Phone: (270)745-5980
Email: xingang.fan at wku.edu

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