[Wrf-users] Land Surface Suggestion

Huber, David dbh409 at ku.edu
Thu Sep 2 15:30:31 MDT 2010


This is simply a suggestion for the land surface schemes in WRF (specifically NOAH, but applicable to all, I think).  I performed a soil moisture-precipitation feedback study using WRF 3.1.1 and noticed that the amount of water in the soil did not affect the albedo or emissivity of the cell to which it belonged.  This seems to me to be one of the longer-lasting arguments for associated with soil moisture-radiation feedbacks.  I understand that both of these parameters are determined somewhat arbitrarily, especially in reference to a change in moisture content.  However, it is an important part of the overall radiation balance.  Do you know if there are any plans to incorporate these factors into NOAH?  And if not, is that because of the arbitrary nature of the problem or something else?


Dave H.

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