[Wrf-users] Adaptive Time-step output times mismatch/incorrect

Rahul Mahajan rahulm at uw.edu
Fri Jun 25 11:49:14 MDT 2010

I am using the adaptive time-stepping options in WRFV3.2.

I have set the following options in namelist.input that control the dump to
the wrfout_d0X files

step_to_output_time = .true.
adjust_output_times = .true.

According to the documentation, if the above options are used, the output
times in the wrfout_d0X files for the nests should match the
history_interval times. However, they dont. Is there a fix that makes sure
that the output times in the nest be at the requested times? The parent
domain always outputs at the specified history interval.

Here is an example: Say I want to output ever 10 mins, then the output times
in the parent and the nest are:
ncdump -v Times wrfout_d01
Times =
  "2008-08-10_06:00:00" ;

ncdump -v Times wrfout_d02
Times =
  "2008-08-10_05:55:50" ;

As you can see, the output times in the nest quickly gets out of sync and is
no longer at the requested interval or at the requested times. Furthermore,
the end time in the nest is not even outputted to file. (This can be a
critical issue if the history_interval is large and the nest does not reach
the end time exactly)

If the frames_per_outfile is set to 1 for all domains, the final time file
for domain 2 is not even created.

Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
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