[Wrf-users] Adjusting Wind Values

Andre Pattantyus apattantyus2008 at my.fit.edu
Wed Apr 21 12:49:16 MDT 2010

Hi all,

I recently completed a model run by reducing my NAM-218 input wind data by
.5. At first, it seemed my inner domain had recovered the pressure gradient
somewhat although winds were weaker at higher altitudes. The parent domain
boundaries showed problems dealing with this adjustment however. Has anyone
done similar experiments and know of how to fix? or is it just not possible?


Andre Pattantyus, Graduate Student Research Assistant
Marine and Environmental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology
150 W. University Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901

Phone: (321) 674-8330 | Fax: (321) 674-7212 | Email: apattantyus2008 at fit.edu
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