[Wrf-users] gfortran compilation failed

Claude DEROGNAT cderognat at aria.fr
Mon Apr 12 04:58:38 MDT 2010



I try to compile WRF 3.1.1 with gfortran on an ubuntu (2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu)  Linux distribution:

First, the option :  -f90=gfortran for mpif90 (openmpi) seems to be not an option for my openmpi installation.

I remove this option in the configure.wrf but nevertheless, I have additional Errors.

I attached you my configure.wrf and the result log of the compilation : .compile em_real.

Any idea ?




Ing. Claude DEROGNAT, PhD
8-10, rue de la Ferme - 92100  Boulogne-Billancourt  - France
tél. / phone: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 60
ligne directe / direct line: 33 (0)1 46 08 68 65
fax: 33 (0)1 41 41 93 17
e-mail: cderognat at aria.fr <mailto:cderognat at aria.fr>  - http : www.aria.fr <http://www.aria.fr>  

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