[Wrf-users] Adding Land Uses

Juan Rafael García Blanco jgblanco.mail at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 02:43:54 MDT 2010

Hi, no problem if I've success I'll let you know.
In fact, I'm using Noah LSM model too.
Thank you for your help

On Mar 24, 2010, at 10:09 PM, Kevin Matthew Nuss wrote:

> Hi Juan,
> I hope to do something similar in the near future, so if you get/discover helpful advice, I would appreciate any help you can pass on to me. 
> You probably already know, but land use parameters is in VEGPARM.TBL and in LANDUSE.TBL. I believe the first is for the Noah Land Surface model and the second is for others. 
> I will probably convert my data (Idaho U.S.A) into a format that can be read by geogrid.exe. I've done similar stuff for high resolution elevation data. By letting geogrid.exe read and process it, geogrid can pass on fractional amounts of landuse through to WRF. The variable name is landusef. The Pleim-Xiu land surface model uses those fractional amounts. I intend to change the Noah LSM to also use fractional amounts (and make other changes).
> Good luck with you project,
> Kevin
> 2010/3/24 Juan Rafael García Blanco <jgblanco.mail at gmail.com>
> Hello,
> I want to add some new land uses from a CLC2000 dataset. It's delivered as a GeoTiff. It's possible to do that, isn't it? But firstly I've to convert this data into geogrid's binary format. I'm trying to achieve this using GRASS. The motivation of this mail is I want to know if someone has proceeded as me.
> Thank you very much.
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