[Wrf-users] Adding Land Uses

Jean-Louis Monge jeanlouis.monge at free.fr
Wed Mar 24 14:11:55 MDT 2010

On Wednesday 24 March 2010 16:08:35 Juan Rafael García Blanco wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to add some new land uses from a CLC2000 dataset. It's delivered as a 
GeoTiff. It's possible to do that, isn't it? But firstly I've to convert this 
data into geogrid's binary format. I'm trying to achieve this using GRASS. The 
motivation of this mail is I want to know if someone has proceeded as me.
> Thank you very much.


You can list the header content with the command "listgeo" from the geotiff 
package. That will give you informations about the grid.
$ listgeo <my_geotiff_file>
Then, with "convert" from ImageMagick, you convert your GeoTiff file into a 
".gray" file, where each byte contains an "unsigned byte" which is the ID code 
of the pixel :
For instance :
$ convert GLOBCOVER_200412_200606_V2.2_Global_CLA.tif   CLA.gray

Then, it should not be too difficult to write some lines of Fortran to convert 
the .gray file into the  format required by geogrid.

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