[Wrf-users] Wind Energy PhD Fellowship at Risoe DTU, Denmark

Andrea Hahmann ahah at risoe.dtu.dk
Mon Feb 8 07:59:54 MST 2010

Dear WRF users,

I would like to draw your attention to a Wind Energy PhD Fellowship at Risoe
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. More details below.

Wake effects of large offshore wind farms - a study of mesoscale atmosphere
and ocean feedbacks

The Wind Energy Division at Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark,
is seeking a PhD fellow (student) to investigate the effects of
large-scale wind farms on regional weather and climate. The project
will develop techniques for upscaling the effects simulated by turbine
and wind farm wake models into mesocale atmospheric PBL
parameterizations and perform simulations using these
parameterizations to understand the feedbacks between the wind farms
and the regional wind climate. Candidates should hold a Master degree
in meteorology/physics/engineering or similar educational level.  A
theoretical background in boundary layer meteorology is
desirable. Previous experience with scientific programming,
computational modeling (in particular mesoscale modeling) and Linux
systems would be considered an advantage. Experience with the ARW-WRF
model is a plus.

This PhD position is associated with the Marie Curie Initial Training
Programme, WAUDIT. As part of the WAUDIT project, the PhD fellow will
be involved in an international network of young researchers, all
working within the general field of wind resource
assessment. Applicants for this Fellowship should not be Danish
nationals or have lived in Denmark for more than 1 year out of the
last 3 years. We must have your online application by 1 March 2010.

Further information may be obtained from the DTU vacancies web page at
or from Jake Badger, tel: +45 4677-5094 (jaba at risoe.dtu.dk) or Andrea
Hahmann, tel: +45 4677-5471 (ahah at risoe.dtu.dk).

Andrea N. Hahmann

Wind Energy Division
Risø DTU

Technical University of Denmark ­ DTU
Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
Frederikborgvej 399, P.O. Box 49
Building 125
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Direct +45 4677 5471
Fax +45 4677 5083
ahah at risoe.dk 

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