[Wrf-users] Question about surface fluxes

Juan José Ruiz jruiz at cima.fcen.uba.ar
Thu Nov 12 13:56:53 MST 2009

Dear WRF users:
I have performed a simple experiment to compare the effect of PBL physics.
The initialization is homogeneous with an initial stable temperature
profile (-7K/km). The surface characteristics are also homogeneous and the
terrain is flat. The model was integrated through one diurnal cycle to see
how the PBL grows in the YSU scheme and the MYJ scheme (cumulus scheme and
mycrophysics scheme are both turned off) and the LSM is NOAH.
In this simple run, the sensible heat flux at the surface was greater in
the MYJ scheme compared to the YSU scheme (Figure 1, YSU white line and
MYJ green line). However the difference between TSK and the lowest level
Theta is lower for the MYJ scheme than in the YSU scheme (Figure 2 same
colors). The surface exchange coefficient for heat is greater in the YSU
scheme as well (FLHC) (Figure 3 same colors).
Where can I finde more information about where an how is the surface flux
computed? I looked at module_sf_myjsfc.F and module_sf_sfclay.F.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards.
Juan Ruiz.

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