[Wrf-users] Runtime Error Using "Map.exe" Segmentation fault

suresh kumar sureshrka at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 08:15:47 MDT 2009

Dear Users,

I have successfully compile MAP_PLOT with gfortran and gcc and Map.exe is

$ls -l Map.exe
*-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2661008 Oct 20 18:35 Map.exe*

But when running the on tutorial observation data it is giving *"Segmentation

here is my Map.csh script

cat  Map.csh
#! /bin/csh
#  This deck is used to produce a map of mesoscale observations
#  sites, and produce the data files for 4DVAR.
#                                    Yong-Run Guo
#                                     07/28/1999
#                                     modified on 06/07/2002
#set echo
 unalias mv rm

 set Map_plot = /root/WRF/WRFDA_V3.1.1/var/obsproc/MAP_plot

 set TIME_WINDOW_MIN = '2008020511'
 set TIME_ANALYSIS   = '2008020512'
 set TIME_WINDOW_MAX = '2008020513'

 set OBSDATA  =

#          ============== END OF CHANGES =================
 echo " "

 if (-e $OBSDATA) then

 if ( -e gmeta )         rm -f gmeta
 if ( -e namelist.file ) rm -f namelist.file
cat >! namelist.file << EOF
  TIME_WINDOW_MIN = '$TIME_WINDOW_MIN', ; beginning of time window
  TIME_WINDOW_MAX = '$TIME_WINDOW_MAX', ; end of time window

  skewt_plot = .FALSE.,

if (! -e no_comment.sed ) ln -sf ${Map_plot}/no_comment.sed
if (! -e mapco.tbl )      ln -sf ${Map_plot}/mapco.tbl         mapco.tbl
if (! -e Map.exe )        ln -sf ${Map_plot}/Map.exe           Map.exe

 sed -f no_comment.sed  namelist.file >! tmp.file
 mv tmp.file  namelist.file
# ==========================================================================

 ln -s -f $OBSDATA        fort.99
 ln -s -f namelist.file   fort.15

 echo " "
 echo "Map.exe >&! Map.out.${TIME_ANALYSIS}"
./Map.exe >&! Map.out.${TIME_ANALYSIS}
 echo " "

 if (-e gmeta) \
 echo "Generate plots in metafile gmeta.${TIME_ANALYSIS}"
 mv gmeta gmeta.${TIME_ANALYSIS}

 echo "Cannot find input file $OBSDATA"
 echo " "

*Can Any body please help to find out, why it is behaving so* ?

Thanks inadvance

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