[Wrf-users] netcdf and wrf with pgfortran?

Capehart, William J William.Capehart at sdsmt.edu
Thu Sep 17 08:41:34 MDT 2009

I've had similar headaches with 4.0.1 with PGI with the various flag options
and have tabled it for now.  BUT... Portland Group have a solution on their
site recommending their new pgfortran (link at the bottom of their front
page).  Trouble is they are still recommending MPICH2 and WRF to be compiled
with pgf90.   I'm not sure what the differences are between pgfortran and

And on that note, *can* WRF be compiled with pgfortran?

Also note that PG's talking about releasing the next update to the compilers


On 9/14/09 02:16 , "Andrew Porter" <andrew.porter at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
>> I am trying to install netcdf-4.0.1 in Linux of local PC ( Pentium IV)
>> for ARW.
>> I am getting the error which is shown below.
>> Mainly, the error is coming from the installation of cfortran.h.
> This is really a netcdf problem, not a WRF problem. What fortran
> compiler are you using and what options did you give to the configure
> script? Often, the solution to this kind of problem with netcdf is to
> specify FCFLAGS="-DpgiFortran" and FFLAGS="-DpgiFortran" before running
> the configure script.
> e.g. in the bash shell do:
>       export FCFLAGS="-DpgiFortran"
> HTH,
> Andy.

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