[Wrf-users] Upcoming conferences of interest to WRF-Chem users

Fast, Jerome D Jerome.Fast at pnl.gov
Fri Jul 17 16:12:33 MDT 2009

Dear WRF-Chem users:

The following 2 conferences listed below may be of interest to WRF-Chem

Jerome Fast


1 - Fall AGU meeting, December 14 ­ 18, 2009 (information regarding abstract
deadlines will be announced later):

A40 Evaluating Particulate Matter Air Quality with Surface and Space-Borne
This session will focus on surface level particulate matter air quality
monitoring and forecasting for local and regional scales using surface and
satellite observations. Contributions related to both observational and
aerosol forecast model evaluation is encouraged.  Observational related
topics include the use of satellite and meteorological data for estimating
and forecasting near surface particulate matter, assimilation of
satellite-derived aerosol data into regional-scale atmospheric models, and
assessments of the accuracy and representativeness of aerosol property
measurements. Aerosol forecast model evaluations using data collected from
satellite instruments, monitoring networks, and recent field experiments are
also sought. Particular consideration is given to strategies or techniques
for evaluating the underlying physical and chemical components of aerosol
forecast models. These include biomass burning, complex interactions of
aerosols with radiation and clouds, the handling of the aerosol mixing
state, the role of boundary layer processes, and the quantification of
compensating errors within aerosol model predictions.

2 ­ International Aerosol Modeling Algorithms Conference, December 9 ­ 11,
2009, deadline for abstracts is September 11, 2009:


This conference takes a look beneath the hood into the workings of various
aerosol modules to:
- discuss and encourage improvements in the models.
- explore the role of aerosol modules in air quality and climate models.
- review numerical techniques that improve the algorithm that models are
based on.
- envision the development of future aerosol models

Sessions are planned on:
- Real-Time Forecasting
- Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
- On-Line Modeling (e.g., WRF-Chem)
- Off-Line Modeling (e.g., CMAQ)
- Meteorological Modeling for Chemical Transport Modeling
- Intercontinental Transport and Global Aerosol Modeling and Satellite
- Receptor-Oriented PM Modeling

Jerome D. Fast, Ph.D.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. 999, MSIN K9-30
Richland, WA  99352
Tel: 509-372-6116
Jerome.Fast at pnl.gov

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