[Wrf-users] Gaussian input data ungrib

Daniel van Dijke D.vanDijke at weer.nl
Mon Mar 23 07:18:23 MDT 2009



Normally I'm using data on a regular lat-lon grid as input for ungrib, but could it also be possible to use gaussian input data? 

When I tried this I got the following message:


wrf at wrf1:~/WRF3/WPS$ ./ungrib.exe

*** Starting program ungrib.exe ***

Start_date = 2009-03-01_00:00:00 , End_date = 2009-03-01_06:00:00

output format is WPS

Path to intermediate files is ./

ungrib - grib edition num 1

Unknown ksec2(4): 50

*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000005f92d0 ***

Segmentation fault



Does anybody have any experience with this issue?







  Daniël van Dijke

  Junior Meteorological Researcher  

  Meteo Consult BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands

  Tel: +31 (0)317 399874

  Email: Daniel at weer.nl



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