[Wrf-users] POP SST output for writing into metgrid intermediate format

Yan Bao ybao2009 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 11:17:02 MDT 2009

Dear all,         I'd like to use CCSM POP SST output for driving the wrf
model. When I wrote the fortran program to read the SST data, some details
of the data were poster below.I found there are some parameters I was not
make sure, I hope I can get some help.
CCSM POP SST file (b30.030e.pop.h.SST.1870-01_cat_1999-12.nc)
My little fortran program like that:

integer :: iproj              ! Code for projection of data in array:
                              !     0 = cylindrical equidistant
                              !     1 = Mercator
                              !     3 = Lambert conformal conic
                              !     4 = Gaussian
                              !     5 = Polar stereographic
real :: nlats                 ! Number of latitudes north of equator
                              !     (whole number, for Gaussian grids)
real :: xfcst                 ! Forecast hour of data
real :: xlvl                  ! Vertical level of data in 2-d array
real :: startlat, startlon    ! Lat/lon of point in array indicated by
                              !     startloc string
real :: dx, dy                ! Grid spacing, km
real :: xlonc                 ! Standard longitude of projection
real :: earth_radius          ! Earth radius, km
real :: deltalat, deltalon    ! Grid spacing, degrees

 write (unit= iunit) version
 write (unit= iunit) hdate_output,xfcst,map_source, field,&
                  units, desc,xlvl, nx, ny, iproj
 write (unit=iunit) startloc,startlat,startlon,nlats,deltalon,earth_radius
 close (iunit)

I'd like to know how can I get the referenced parameters like
deltalat,deltalon since the grid projection is not so regular; and how
should I choose the startlat, startlon, that mean the first tlat, tlong in
my ducument? what is the earth_radius? Thanks a lot.

Information about the data
        nlat = 384 ;
        nlon = 320 ;
        time = UNLIMITED ; // (1560 currently)
        z_t = 1 ;
        z_w = 40 ;
        float SST(time, z_t, nlat, nlon) ;
                SST:long_name = "Potential Temperature" ;
                SST:units = "degC" ;
                SST:coordinates = "TLONG TLAT z_t time" ;
                SST:cell_methods = "time: mean" ;
                SST:_FillValue = 9.96921e+36f ;
                SST:missing_value = 9.96921e+36f ;
        float TLAT(nlat, nlon) ;
                TLAT:long_name = "array of t-grid latitudes" ;
                TLAT:units = "degrees_north" ;
        float TLONG(nlat, nlon) ;
                TLONG:long_name = "array of t-grid longitudes" ;
                TLONG:units = "degrees_east"
        float z_t(z_t) ;
                z_t:long_name = "depth from surface to midpoint of layer" ;
                z_t:units = "centimeters" ;
                z_t:positive = "down" ;
                z_t:valid_min = 500.622f ;
                z_t:valid_max = 537499.9f ;

in South hemisphere, I have TLAT like this:
  -79.22052, -79.22052, -79.22052, -79.22052, -79.22052, -79.22052...
  -78.68631, -78.68631,...
  -78.15209, -78.15209,...
  -77.61787, -77.61787,...
  -0.9349651, -0.9349651, -0.9349651, -0.9349651, -0.9349651, -0.9349651,...
-0.1335664, -0.1335664, -0.1335664, -0.1335664, -0.1335664, -0.1335664,...
 while in north hemisphere, the TLAT like this:
0.1334779, 0.1334779, 0.133478, 0.1334781, 0.1334782, 0.1334784,
0.4003012, 0.4003014, 0.4003017, 0.4003021, 0.4003028, 0.4003035,...
0.4003044, 0.4003055, 0.4003067, 0.4003081, 0.4003096, 0.4003113,...
  The last line like this :
72.18597, 72.18933, 72.19604, 72.20609, 72.21945, 72.23611, 72.25603,
72.27917, 72.30551, 72.33498, 72.36753, 72.40311, 72.44166, 72.48309,
    72.52736, 72.57437, 72.62406, 72.67633, 72.73111, 72.78831, 72.84784,
    72.90961, 72.97351, 73.03947, 73.10739, 73.17717, 73.24872, 73.32194,
    73.39672, 73.47299, 73.55065, 73.6296, 73.70975, 73.791, 73.87328,
    73.95649, 74.04054, 74.12536, 74.21085, 74.29695, 74.38358, 74.47064,
    74.55808, 74.64583, 74.7338, 74.82195, 74.91021, 74.9985, 75.08678,
    75.175, 75.26308, 75.351, 75.43868, 75.52609, 75.61319, 75.69992,
    75.78625, 75.87215, 75.95757, 76.04248, 76.12685, 76.21063, 76.29382,
    76.37639, 76.45829, 76.53952, 76.62004, 76.69984, 76.77891, 76.85721,
    76.93474, 77.01147, 77.08739, 77.16249, 77.23676, 77.3102, 77.38277,
    77.45448, 77.52531, 77.59527, 77.66434, 77.73251, 77.79979, 77.86617,
    77.93163, 77.99619, 78.05982, 78.12255, 78.18435, 78.24523, 78.3052,
    78.36423, 78.42235, 78.47954, 78.53581, 78.59116, 78.64558, 78.69908,
    78.75166, 78.80332, 78.85407, 78.9039, 78.95282, 79.00082, 79.04792,
    79.09412, 79.1394, 79.18378, 79.22727, 79.26986, 79.31155, 79.35236,
    79.39228, 79.43131, 79.46946, 79.50673, 79.54312, 79.57864, 79.61328,
    79.64706, 79.67998, 79.71203, 79.74322, 79.77355, 79.80303, 79.83166,
    79.85944, 79.88637, 79.91245, 79.9377, 79.9621, 79.98568, 80.00842,
    80.03032, 80.05139, 80.07163, 80.09105, 80.10965, 80.12742, 80.14437,
    80.16051, 80.17582, 80.19032, 80.20401, 80.21688, 80.22895, 80.2402,
    80.25065, 80.26028, 80.26911, 80.27714, 80.28436, 80.29077, 80.29639,
    80.30119, 80.3052, 80.3084, 80.31081, 80.31241, 80.31321, 80.31321,
    80.31241, 80.31081, 80.3084, 80.3052, 80.30119, 80.29639, 80.29077,
    80.28436, 80.27714, 80.26911, 80.26028, 80.25065, 80.2402, 80.22895,
    80.21688, 80.20401, 80.19032, 80.17582, 80.16051, 80.14437, 80.12742,
    80.10965, 80.09105, 80.07163, 80.05139, 80.03032, 80.00842, 79.98568,
    79.9621, 79.9377, 79.91245, 79.88637, 79.85944, 79.83166, 79.80303,
    79.77355, 79.74322, 79.71203, 79.67998, 79.64706, 79.61328, 79.57864,
    79.54312, 79.50673, 79.46946, 79.43131, 79.39228, 79.35236, 79.31155,
    79.26986, 79.22727, 79.18378, 79.1394, 79.09412, 79.04792, 79.00082,
    78.95282, 78.9039, 78.85407, 78.80332, 78.75166, 78.69908, 78.64558,
    78.59116, 78.53581, 78.47954, 78.42235, 78.36423, 78.3052, 78.24523,
    78.18435, 78.12255, 78.05982, 77.99619, 77.93163, 77.86617, 77.79979,
    77.73251, 77.66434, 77.59527, 77.52531, 77.45448, 77.38277, 77.3102,
    77.23676, 77.16249, 77.08739, 77.01147, 76.93474, 76.85721, 76.77891,
    76.69984, 76.62004, 76.53952, 76.45829, 76.37639, 76.29382, 76.21063,
    76.12685, 76.04248, 75.95757, 75.87215, 75.78625, 75.69992, 75.61319,
    75.52609, 75.43868, 75.351, 75.26308, 75.175, 75.08678, 74.9985,
    74.91021, 74.82195, 74.7338, 74.64583, 74.55808, 74.47064, 74.38358,
    74.29695, 74.21085, 74.12536, 74.04054, 73.95649, 73.87328, 73.791,
    73.70975, 73.6296, 73.55065, 73.47299, 73.39672, 73.32194, 73.24872,
    73.17717, 73.10739, 73.03947, 72.97351, 72.90961, 72.84784, 72.78831,
    72.73111, 72.67633, 72.62406, 72.57437, 72.52736, 72.48309, 72.44166,
    72.40311, 72.36753, 72.33498, 72.30551, 72.27917, 72.25603, 72.23611,
    72.21945, 72.20609, 72.19604, 72.18933, 72.18597 ;

  320.5625, 321.6875, 322.8125, 323.9375, 325.0625, 326.1875, 327.3125,
    328.4375, 329.5625, 330.6875, 331.8125, 332.9375, 334.0625, 335.1875,
    336.3125, 337.4375, 338.5625, 339.6875, 340.8125, 341.9375, 343.0625,
    344.1875, 345.3125, 346.4375, 347.5625, 348.6875, 349.8125, 350.9375,
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