[Wrf-users] incorrect diffwrf output for standard tests

Verdi March cincaipatron at gmx.net
Wed Feb 27 05:55:45 MST 2008


I encounter problems for WRF-ARW v2.1.1 with two benchmark dataset,
conus12km and conus2.5km, which are frequently used in various
WRF-related publications (http://box.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/WG2/bench/).

After messing around with various permutations of compiler flags and
systems, I suspect that my problems might be due to netcdf version
(mine is v3.6.2). Is there a "recommended" netcdf for WRF v2.1.1, or
at least netcdf which has been shown to be well tested?

I've done very extensive testings on two systems, (i) Solaris + Sun
compilers 12 + Sun CT 7.1, and (ii) Linux x64 (SLES 10) + PGI 7.1 +
Scali MPI. Both systems show consistent behaviors when diffwrf-ing
the reference output (wrf_reference) and my output, even without any
compiler optimizations:

- conus2.5km:
      NetCDF error: NetCDF: Unknown file format
      NetCDF error: NetCDF: Unknown file format
      NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 926
      NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 926
      error opening wrfout_d01_2005-06-04_06:00:00
      Status =  -1021

  The code snippet around line 926 in external/io_netcdf/wrf_io.F90:
      stat = NF_OPEN(FileName, NF_NOWRITE, DH%NCID)
      call netcdf_err(stat,Status)
      if(Status /= WRF_NO_ERR) then
        write(msg,*) 'NetCDF error in ',__FILE__,', line', __LINE__
        call wrf_debug ( WARN , TRIM(msg))

- conus12km: diffwrf doesn't report two lines which are started with PHB
  and PB. For the other lines, my diffwrf's output result is quite
  accurate compared to the reference diffwrf's output

Since these two data are widely used (I've even seen recent publications
dated in 2007), I really believe there's a good explanation somewhere
out there on my particular problems.


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