[Wrf-users] WPS Compilation error- suffix or operands invalid for mov

Johnl esldj at 163.com
Sun Jun 3 09:03:39 MDT 2007

Dear  :Recently I run into WRFV2 and WPS, using PGI 5.2 compilers
WRFV2 compiles fine.
Then, I try compiling WPS, selecting the following option with configure:
1.  PC Linux x86_64 (IA64 and Opteron), PGI compiler 5.2 or higher, serial, NO GRIB2
  After compiled,  geogrid.exe and ungrib.exe are produced, but metgrib.exe is not, and I end up with the following
  error during compilation:
  pgf90 -Mfree -byteswapio -O -c process_domain_module.f -I/import/
  ton/WX/RSRCH-WRF/WRF2.2/WPS/../WRFV2/external/io_netcdf -I/import/
  rton/WX/RSRCH-WRF/WRF2.2/WPS/../WRFV2/external/io_grib_share -I/
  af/morton/WX/RSRCH-WRF/WRF2.2/WPS/../WRFV2/external/io_grib1 -I/
  af/morton/WX/RSRCH-WRF/WRF2.2/WPS/../WRFV2/external/io_int -I/
  /tmp/pgf90baaaaEkEag.s: Assembler messages:
  /tmp/pgf90baaaaEkEag.s:18612: Error: suffix or operands invalid for
  make[1]: [process_domain_module.o] Error 2 (ignored)
The errors are the same as Mr. Don.Morton.
What can I do?esldj at 163.com
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