[Wrf-users] Errror running wrf.exe in 64bit Linxus workstation for a one-way nested domain

Guoqing Tang gtang at ncat.edu
Sun Apr 29 19:42:45 MDT 2007

Dear users, 

I ran into a problem when executing wrf.exe (mpirun -np 2 wrf.exe) for a one-way nested domain in a 64bit Linux workstation  running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 4. The workstation has two CPUs and 4GB memory. The error message from rsl.out.0000 is as follows:  

d01 2005-01-23_00:00:00  alloc_space_field: domain             2              0
p0_5648:  p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11. 

Running real_nmm.exe didn't have any problem, producing both wrfbdy_d01 and wrfinput_d01 files. When I ran the same domain in a much slower 32 bit Linux workstation, the execution of wrf.exe went through without any problem. 

Did any of you run into this problem before? Could any of you please suggest any fix for the problem? BTW, I am running WRF-NMM 2.2.1, a newer version available for 2007 WRF-NMM Winter Tutoral attendees. 


--Guoqing Tang

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