[Wrf-users] About using a new data set of my own

eddycarl at 126.com eddycarl at 126.com
Wed Dec 13 05:24:05 MST 2006

Dear wrf users,

I am recently trying to using a new data set to initialize wrf model. The data format is binary and I can read it out to write it as the intermediate format which is
acceptable by wrfsi. The result seems ok when I use plotfmt.exe (under ~/src/grib_prep/util) to check. But when I run wrfprep.pl to interpolate the data, things 
go wrong.I am wondering how can I do that further? Some output information of hinterp is listed below.Does anyone can help me ? Thanks a lot!

Trying to open file: /wrfsi/domains/tri/static/wrfsi.nl                                                                                                                  
Successfully read the project and filetimespec namelists
HINTERP processing tri
HINTERP: Processing WRF Domain:  1
WRF Lat1 =      34 WRF lon1 =     -112
WRF Delta-x =   15000.00 WRF Delta-y =   15000.00
WRF Standard Lon =    -130.
WRF Standard Lats =     34.30     0.000
 Nest info:  parent_id         =              1
             parent_grid_ratio =              1
             i_parent_start    =              1
             j_parent_start    =              1
             i_parent_end      =            234
             j_parent_end      =            165
             nest dims         =            234          165
MOAD CENTER LAT/LON =   34.3  -130.
 in here latc,lonc:     34.3        -130.    
 Populating domain metadata for domain:             1
landmask inq_varid status and vid =    0  14
Processing time:        2004-09-09_00:00:00
Trying to OPEN init file: ./aaa:2004-09-09_00
Successfully OPENed file: ./aaa:2004-09-09_00
No valid landmask found!
Initializing new projection for this input field.
COMPARE_PROJECTIONS: Different projection type.
 Min/Max XLOC (SRC) =     201.1401        263.4733    
 Min/Max YLOC (SRC) =     187.2761        226.4209    
Apparent non-isobaric level found:      0.
For fiel
However, we already had non-isobaric levels.
We cannot mix and match levels during one 
time period.
Apparent non-isobaric level found:      0.
For fiel
However, we already had non-isobaric levels.
We cannot mix and match levels during one 
time period.
Expected to find date = 2004-09-09_00 in the input file.
Instead, the date 2003-02-16_00 was in the header.

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