[Wrf-users] Ideal baroclinic wave case

Mark Stoelinga stoeling at atmos.washington.edu
Tue Oct 10 11:58:47 MDT 2006


Has anyone successfully run the ideal baroclinic wave test case that comes
with the WRF tar file, on NCAR's bluesky machine?  I'm getting a problem
with RSL_LITE:

rsl.error.0000:memory overwrite in rsl_lite_pack,  left hand X to 3 , 13520
> 0
rsl.error.0028:memory overwrite in rsl_lite_pack,  left hand X to 31 , 14560
> 0
rsl.error.0031:memory overwrite in rsl_lite_pack_period_x, right hand X to
28, 10920 > 0

I configured WRF with choice #3, AIX DM-Parallel (RSL_LITE, IBM-MPI, Allows
nesting).  According to the tutorial, RSL_LITE is recommended for all
applications EXCEPT those with periodic-in-Y boundary conditions.  However,
the baroclinic wave set up uses periodic in X, symmetric in Y, so RSL_LITE
should work, right?

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.


|        Mark Stoelinga        |     University of Washington       |
| Research Assistant Professor | Department of Atmospheric Sciences |
| Phone:  206-543-6235   _______________  Mailing address:          |
| Fax:    206-685-7160  ( ( __  ) _,-~     University of Washington |
|      or 206-543-0308   ( _   ) )         Atmospheric Sciences     |
| Office: Room 508 ATG    ( ( _ )  either: Box 351640 (regular mail)|
| Email:  stoeling@      (______)      or: Rm 408 ATG (overnight)   |
|  atmos.washington.edu   V::///           Seattle, WA 98195-1640   |
| Web: http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~stoeling                    |

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