[Wrf-users] wrfprep.pl and NNRP

Don Morton Don.Morton at umontana.edu
Sun Sep 17 15:30:33 MDT 2006


I seem to have the classic problem of trying to get wrfprep
to ingest NNRP data.  I've followed documentation carefully,
and more, but still get the infamous message at the end of my
hinterp log:

Trying to OPEN LSM file: ./NNRPSFC:1998-07-21_00
Successfully OPENed file: ./NNRPSFC:1998-07-21_00
GET_GRIBPREP_VAR: dimension mismatch!
Dims from file:   192    94
Dims from args: 144    73

I've googled and searched forums and see that others
have come across the same problem, but haven't seen
any evidence that anybody has done this successfully,
yet I'm sure someone has.  If anybody could point me in
the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

Here are my procedures:

Put the NNRP surface (2D) files in a directory by themselves,
and put the NNRP analysis (3D) files in a directory by themselves.
One more piece of info - I'm getting the files from the bluesky
MSS, and the ones I'm picking are the  YYMM.2D for surface
and YYMM.pgb.f00, as described in the dss090.0 Inventories
web pages.  I chose these because I found an MM5 reference


that suggested these, and I didn't see why it would be any
different for WRF (though I'm only guessing).

Set up grib_prep.nl as follows (just including pertinent entries):

 SRCPATH = '/u1/uaf/morton/WX/OPNL-WRF/INPUT_DATA/NAM216_AK_AVO/2006081112',

Run grib_prep.pl twice, as follows:

$INSTALLROOT/etc/grib_prep.pl -l 72 -t 6 -s 1998072100 NNRP
$INSTALLROOT/etc/grib_prep.pl -l 72 -t 6 -s 1998072100 NNRPSFC

Verify presence of the degribbed files in extdata/extprd/

Edit wrfsi.nl as follows (only showing pertinent entries):


Then run wrfprep as follows:

$INSTALLROOT/etc/wrfprep.pl -d $MOAD_DATAROOT -f 72 -t 6 -s 1998072100

wrfprep ends abnormally with the dimension mismatch message.

I have also tried a couple of other things (just shooting from the
hip based on some stuff I read in the WRF Users' Guide), but
get the same dimension mismatch issues:

For any field that was in both Vtable.NNRP and Vtable.NNRPSFC,
I removed the field from Vtable.NNRP.

I also tried it the other way around, removing duplicate fields from
Vtable.NNRPSFC.  FYI, these fields that were common to both
Vtable's were T, U, V, RH.

I was under the impression that the whole idea behind grib_prep
and then wrfprep was to facilitate the mapping of grids of different
dimensions into a common mapping (specified by the domain),
so I'm not clear on why this sort of issue is even happening.

Any guidance very much appreciated.



Don Morton
Department of Computer Science
The University of Montana - Missoula

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