[Wrf-users] Re: WRFSI bug: shifted landuse

David Ovens ovens at atmos.washington.edu
Thu Sep 7 17:04:53 MDT 2006

WRF Users,

I have tested the landuse in WPS and the bug in shifted landuse seems
to have disappeared, thankfully.  The WPS landuse around our area is
much closer to MM5 values, though not identical.  You can see this is
the loop


or in the individual files in



David Ovens		 e-mail: ovens at atmos.washington.edu
Research Meteorologist    phone: (206) 685-8108
Dept of Atm. Sciences      plan: Real-time MM5 forecasting for the
Box 351640                        Pacific Northwest
University of Washington          http://www.atmos.washington.edu/mm5rt
Seattle, WA  98195               Weather Graphics and Loops

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