[Wrf-users] Nesting with MPI on IBM

Thorsten Beisiegel thorbei at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 22:53:03 MST 2006

Dear Usergroup,

We experience a serious problem while trying to run 2 or 3 nested
grids with Lammpi on IBM P570.

Our Inputfiles from WRFSI contain Boundary data for the whole length
of the forecast only for the firste domain but one archive for the two
nested grid. This should be the normal way but we wonder if mpi asks
for three archives of the same length?

The other question is how can I proove if the Inputfiles are without
failure. WRFSI give no error while running and archives have a
reasonable size.

Runs with test data for one domain with Mpi and 4 nodes were fine.

What could be a posible reason and how could I proove this.

Many thanks and best regards

Thorsten Beisiegel

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