[Wrf-users] How many processors?

Mikhail Titov mti18 at student.canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Dec 19 20:25:15 MST 2004

Dear WRF-users,

We plan to buy a new cluster machine to run

WRF in MPP mode. I would like to ask a couple of questions:

1. How many processors (Opteron, for instance)

   would it be sensible for us to buy to run WRF (in mesoscale spatial

   resolution for New Zealand) over 3 - 14 model days (we don't plan

  to use WRF for climate research);

2. What is it better for us to have, from the point of view of WRF run
speed -

    more CPUs per machine or more machines with a smaller number of

Any help are highly appreciable.

Thank you very much.

Mike Titov

(University of Canterbury,

Christchurch, New Zealand)
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