[WHPI] WHPI Updates

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Wed Jan 31 11:34:36 MST 2024

Hello WHPI community!

A few announcements that we wanted to bring to your attention.

*1. We are happy to announce that the WHPI coordination for the 2024 Total
Solar Eclipse
<https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/whpi_campaign-2024-total-eclipse.php> is LIVE!*

WHPI is providing a platform for collecting information about supporting
observatories, eclipse experiments/efforts, and publishing the output of
models targeting these observations. We hope that this website will serve
as a repository for existing or ongoing eclipse activities and foster
collaboration across disciplines.

If you, or your group, are leading an eclipse effort, providing support by
supplying model runs, or recording coordinated/context observations please
send an email to whpi_help at hao.ucar.edu with the following information:
- name of project/observatory,
- 1-3 sentence description of the effort, available capabilities, or
planned activity,
- representative picture/figure (optional),
- point-of-contact and (optional) website.
(Information similar to: https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/whpi_groundbased.php)

This spreadsheet
contains nearly up-to-date information about efforts we are already aware
of even if they are not yet fully included on the website. Please also let
us know if you know of any effort that is not listed, with contact details
for someone we could reach out for more information.

*2. The next colloquium will be help on February 22, 2024 at 10am PST (1pm
EST) *

We will have Ian Hewins speaking about "*Comparative Solar Minima using the
McIntosh Archive*" and Robert Allen, speaking about "*A Mosaic of the Inner
Heliosphere: Three Carrington Rotations During the Whole Heliosphere and
Planetary Interactions Interval*".

-The WHPI Team
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