[WHPI] upcoming PSP 15th perihelion

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Mon Mar 6 09:59:23 MST 2023

*Parker Solar Probe 15th encounter: March 16-21, 2023*

We are approaching another PSP's perihelion and we invite all space- and
ground-based observatories to take observations. Despite being a relatively
short encounter, PSP will be roughly radially aligned with STEREO-A, Solar
Orbiter, and Bepi Colombo (see plot below) making it a unique opportunity
for coordinated observations during solar maximum.

Footpoint predictions will be available on the WHPI website
<https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu> starting on March 13th, followed by daily
predictions through March 21st. The footpoints will probably only be
visible from Earth between March 16th and March 21st.

The WHPI Team

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