[WHPI] STEREO SECCHI High Telemetry Campaign

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Sat Apr 22 13:49:27 MDT 2023

We would like to make the Heliophysics and connected communities aware of
an upcoming high-telemetry period for STEREO
between July 3 - Aug 4, 2023 in conjunction with STEREO-A’s approach to the
Earth-Sun line later in August. The campaign will include higher cadence,
low compression EUV images and higher cadence coronagraph images. If any
observatory would like to support this effort through campaign
science targeting, please email gsfc-stereo at mail.nasa.gov, and we will add
you to a target planning email list. We are also interested in already
existing plans for compatible observations during this time period.  Target
suggestions can be submitted (again to gsfc-stereo at mail.nasa.gov) and the
STEREO/SECCHI team will choose some for focus during this period, to be
advertised through the WHPI Campaign page
<https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/whpi_campaigns.php> in order to enable
observatories to coordinate.

General science targets and goals are:

   - Active regions: The structure of complex active regions, so we are
   interested in data that provides information on AR magnetic fields,
    temperatures, and densities.
   - Low latitude coronal hole boundaries: Determining their
   characteristics at the Sun and how those propagate outwards into the corona
   and perhaps the solar wind.
   - Coronal outflows/intermittency to characterize the spatial/temporal
   scales of small-scale structure at the origins of the solar wind. For this,
   we need off-limb information (imaging, spectroscopy) below about 2-3 Rsun
   to connect w/ the COR2 deep-field images.

*Sarah Gibson *
Senior Scientist, HAO/NCAR

Phone:  303 497 1587
Fax:    303 497 1589
3080 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
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