[WHPI] WHPI Colloquia (November)

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Tue Nov 22 06:23:42 MST 2022

Hi folks, apologies for the lack of time -- it is at 10;00 AM, Colorado

See our web page for further details: https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 4:28 PM Whole Heliosphere and Planetary
Interactions via Whi <whi at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Hello WHPI community!
> Just a reminder that tomorrow is our next colloquium featuring;
> Erika Palmerio, speaking about, "CME evolution in the structured
> heliosphere and effects at Earth and Mars during solar minimum", and
> Diego Lloveras, speaking about, "Three-Dimensional Structure of the Corona
> During WHPI Campaign Rotations CR-2219 and CR-2223".
> Please join us!
> -The WHPI Team
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 10:47 AM Whole Heliosphere and Planetary
> Interactions via Whi <whi at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Our next WHPI colloquia will be on November 22nd. Our Speakers will be:
>> Erika Palmerio, "CME evolution in the structured heliosphere and effects
>> at Earth and Mars during solar minimum"
>> Diego Lloveras, "Three-Dimensional Structure of the Corona During WHPI
>> Campaign Rotations CR-2219 and CR-2223"
>> Hope you can join us!
>> Thanks,
>> -- The WHPI Team
>> <https://zoom.us/>
>> Hi there,
>> Robert Allen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
>> Join Zoom Meeting
>> <https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1604026455?pwd=VldTUFE1SEUwUkU3ajNIaWhDcUorZz09&from=addon>
>> One tap mobile:
>> US: +16692545252,,1604026455#,,,,*473587#
>> <+16692545252,,1604026455#,,,,*473587%23> or
>> +16468287666,,1604026455#,,,,*473587#
>> <+16468287666,,1604026455#,,,,*473587%23>
>> Meeting URL:
>> https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/j/1604026455?pwd=VldTUFE1SEUwUkU3ajNIaWhDcUorZz09&from=addon
>> Meeting ID:
>> 160 402 6455
>> Passcode:
>> 473587
>> *Join by Telephone *
>> For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
>> Dial:
>> US: +1 669 254 5252 or +1 646 828 7666 or +1 669 216 1590 or +1 551 285
>> 1373 or 833 568 8864 (Toll Free)
>> Meeting ID:
>> 160 402 6455
>> Passcode:
>> 473587
>> International numbers <https://jhuapl.zoomgov.com/u/aefnIGLAMS>
>> *Join from an H.323/SIP room system *
>> H.323:
>> (US West)
>> (US East)
>> Meeting ID:
>> 160 402 6455
>> Passcode:
>> 473587
>> SIP:
>> 1604026455 at sip.zoomgov.com
>> Passcode:
>> 473587

*Sarah Gibson *
Senior Scientist, HAO/NCAR

Phone:  303 497 1587
Fax:    303 497 1589
3080 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
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