[WHPI] WHPI workshop and show and tell

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Thu Jan 14 12:37:17 MST 2021

Hi folks, we have two announcements -- pre-registration is available for
the WHPI first workshop (13-17 Sept 2021) and the Zoom link is available
for next week’s Show and Tell (scroll to bottom of email).

More information on these events, and on the PSP 7 campaign currently
underway, can be found at the WHPI web page: https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/


Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions First Workshop rescheduled 13
- 17 September, 2021

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions
<https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/index.php> (WHPI) is an international initiative
focused around the solar minimum period that aims to understand the
interconnected sun-heliospheric-planetary system. The WHPI hands-on
workshop has been rescheduled to occur September 13-17, 2021. It will be
primarily a virtual workshop, with possible small-scale in-person
gatherings. We do not expect there to be a registration fee. The goal of
the workshop will be to foster collaborations across disciplines by
providing a forum for comparing models and observations of specific aspects
of the extended solar minimum time period in a truly interactive and
collaborative environment. In particular, we encourage participants to
contribute and share observations, model products, and analysis tools.
Information will be provided on a repository for these data in advance of
the workshop.

More information can be found at:

Please pre-register here:


Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions Show and Tell

Following up on September 2020's "Show and Tell" activity, in which
tutorials were presented on accessing and using a variety of solar and
geospace data, we will be having two more Show and Tells in January and
March. Confirmed tutorials for January 21, 2021 include the ICON mission,
the OMNIWEB database, and the potential field source surface, and the GX
simulator, KAMODO and wavelet analysis tools.

See https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/whpi_showandtell.php for an agenda and
recordings of the presentations.

The live event with Q&A with presenters can be accessed via Zoom:

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Meeting ID: 161 784 5608

Password: 042497

*Sarah Gibson*
Deputy Director, HAO/NCAR

Phone:  303 497 1587
Fax:    303 497 1589
3080 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
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