[WHPI] PSP 8th perihelion campaign starts on April 28th!

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Fri Apr 23 15:14:32 MDT 2021

*PSP 8th perihelion campaign starts on April 28th!*

This is a friendly reminder that we are approaching Parker Solar Probe’s
(PSP) 8th perihelion on April 29th, 2021. Our new observing campaign is *April
28th - May 7th, 2021 *and targets coronal holes. As this perihelion takes
place in the spring, we are for the first time also supported by the
high-resolution solar telescopes GREGOR and SST. This gives us a great
opportunity for coordinated, targeted observations and modeling of the
coronal holes and the associated high-speed solar wind streams. We
encourage all observatories to join. We will post target pointing
information on the WHPI campaign website
<https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/whpi_campaign-psp8p.php> and also email it to
the observatories in our mailing list.

Please contact whpi_help at hao.ucar.edu or stefan.hofmeister at columbia.edu if
you have any questions.

Best regards,

Stefan Hofmeister and the WHPI Team
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