[WHPI] WHPI Data and Model collection discussion

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Wed Nov 18 10:58:28 MST 2020

Hi everyone,

We’ve had several successful WHPI campaign intervals, and some additional Parker Probe perihelia, so it’s time to start assessing the data and models that are going to be part of our effort to greatly expand our understanding of the Sun-Earth-planetary connection.

We’ll be hosting several informal discussions to help us settle on a means of collecting all of the vital components.  That would include data sets, model products, browse/summary data, analysis tools, user guides – essentially, everything we’d need to combine the data and models effectively.  The discussions will be held November 30  at 15:30 UT and 20:00 UT, and December 1 at 02:30 UT (connection details will be sent out at a later date).

Everyone is invited.  We’ll start by simply asking everyone “what do you have?”  and try to capture the key characteristics that will allow us to document the assets in greater detail and prepare for in-depth collaborative analysis.

In the long run, we’d like a data and modeling structure that allows all WHPI and HSO (Heliophysics System Observatory) Connect users to quickly and efficiently find the data and resources they need.  (And of course leverages existing assets [data systems, model infrastructure, software libraries] as much as possible.)  Brian Thomas from NASA HQ has designed a survey to capture users’ top priorities on how best to deliver services and capabilities for HSO Connect.

Please take the survey!!  And then join us for the discussion (connection details will be sent out at a later date).



Barbara Thompson and the WHPI team
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