[WHPI] WHPI News and Upcoming Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Perihelion passage

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Fri Nov 22 16:24:10 MST 2019

Hello all -- we have some* updates and events for WHPI* we want to make
sure you are all aware of.

*First -*- the upcoming *PSP perihelion pass* in January 2020 is an
opportunity for coordinated, targeted observations and modeling

   - See announcement here:

      - To *coordinate with the PSP team,* follow the web link and email
      the contacts listed.
   - WHPI will facilitate this by

   1. posting information about observatories
   <https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/whpi_groundbased.php> that support PSP
      - *to be listed in the WHPI/PSP-support pages*, send a picture and a
      paragraph about your observatory to whpi_help at hao.ucar.edu
   2. *posting campaign target information* provided by the PSP team.
   Coordinates will be provided for solar regions that are expected to be
   sources of solar wind observed by PSP; note, information about the type of
   observation (e.g., coronal hole vs. active regions) may impact observing
   choices for both solar and non-solar facilities.
   3.  highlighting campaign observations on the WHPI web page.
      - to *highlight your activities on the WHPI pages*, contact
      whpi_help at hao.ucar.edu

*Second -*- there are *AGU WHPI sessions *on Thursday December 12:

   - oral https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/meetingapp.cgi/Session/87641
   - poster https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/meetingapp.cgi/Session/87262

*Third* -- mark your calendars for the First WHPI Workshop, September
14-18, 2020, in Boulder Colorado.

See our WHPI web page <https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/index.php> for more
information about these opportunities and others, including the recent NASA
HSO Connects announcement. We’d be very grateful if you’d help spread the
word about WHPI activities and the upcoming PSP perihelion campaign.


Sarah Gibson on behalf of the WHPI team

*Sarah Gibson*
Interim Director, HAO/NCAR

Phone:  303 497 1587
Fax:    303 497 1589
3080 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
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