[WHPI] update on WHPI observing campaigns

Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Fri Jun 7 13:15:56 MDT 2019

Dear WHPI community,

We would like to thank all of you who helped us organize our first
observing campaign from Mar 12 - Apr 8, 2019. In the next month or so we
will be contacting you all again and letting you know how we will be
cataloguing available data for this and the other observing campaigns of

For now, we just wanted to let you know the updated plans for these
observing campaigns, which can be found at  our web page
https://whpi.hao.ucar.edu/.  In particular,  please mark your calendar for
the next WHPI campaign: June 29 - July 26, 2019 (Carrington rotation 2219)
that targets the total solar eclipse on July 2, 2019.

 For questions/comments on WHPI, please contact us at:
whpi_help at hao.ucar.edu.

The WHPI Science Committee
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