[Whi] WHI Topical Issue of Solar Physics is now available!

Whole Heliosphere Interval whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Wed Jan 4 14:51:20 MST 2012

Hi everyone,

There was a production slowup at the publishing office, but the WHI Topical Issue of Solar Physics is now available.   Although the issue did not appear until today, the publication date is still listed as 2011 (so none of your citation records need to be updated).  

There are more than 2 dozen papers (>500 pages) in this issue, so this was no small effort!  We sincerely thank everyone for their support.

"The Sun–Earth Connection near Solar Minimum"

Guest Editors: M.M. Bisi, B.A. Emery, and B.J. Thompson


Solar Physics, Volume 274, Numbers 1-2

The Sun–Earth Connection near Solar Minimum: Placing it into Context  (introductory preface letter)

Mario M. Bisi, Barbara J. Thompson, Barbara A. Emery, Sarah E. Gibson and John Leibacher, et al.

The Whole Heliosphere Interval in the Context of a Long and Structured Solar Minimum: An Overview from Sun to Earth

S. E. Gibson, G. de Toma, B. Emery, P. Riley and L. Zhao, et al.

A Snapshot of the Sun Near Solar Minimum: The Whole Heliosphere Interval

Barbara J. Thompson, Sarah E. Gibson, Peter C. Schroeder, David F. Webb and Charles N. Arge, et al.

The Global Context of Solar Activity During the Whole Heliosphere Interval Campaign

D. F. Webb, H. Cremades, A. C. Sterling, C. H. Mandrini and S. Dasso, et al.

Non-Varying Granulation and Photospheric Network During the Extended 2007 – 2009 Solar Minimum

R. Muller, D. Utz and A. Hanslmeier

The State of Self-organized Criticality of the Sun During the Last Three Solar Cycles. I. Observations

Markus J. Aschwanden

The State of Self-organized Criticality of the Sun during the Last Three Solar Cycles. II. Theoretical Model

Markus J. Aschwanden

Photospheric Magnetic Evolution in the WHI Active Regions

B. T. Welsch, S. Christe and J. M. McTiernan

The Solar Cycle 23 – 24 Minimum. A Benchmark in Solar Variability and Effects in the Heliosphere

O. White, G. Kopp, M. Snow and K. Tapping

Nonlinear Force-Free and Potential-Field Models of Active-Region and Global Coronal Fields during the Whole Heliosphere Interval

G. J. D. Petrie, A. Canou and T. Amari

Evolution of Coronal Holes and Implications for High-Speed Solar Wind During the Minimum Between Cycles 23 and 24

G. de Toma

Observables Indicating Two Major Coronal Mass Ejections During the WHI

N. V. Nitta

Coronal Transient Events During Two Solar Minima: Their Solar Source Regions and Interplanetary Counterparts

H. Cremades, C. H. Mandrini and S. Dasso

Coronal Fe xiv Emission During the Whole Heliosphere Interval Campaign

Richard C. Altrock

The WHI Corona from Differential Emission Measure Tomography

Alberto M. Vásquez, Zhenguang Huang, Ward B. Manchester and Richard A. Frazin

The Floor in the Solar Wind Magnetic Field Revisited

E. W. Cliver and A. G. Ling

High Speed Stream Properties and Related Geomagnetic Activity During the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI): 20 March to 16 April 2008

E. Echer, B. T. Tsurutani, W. D. Gonzalez and J. U. Kozyra

Comparing Solar Minimum 23/24 with Historical Solar Wind Records at 1 AU

L. K. Jian, C. T. Russell and J. G. Luhmann

Magnetic Clouds at/near the 2007 – 2009 Solar Minimum: Frequency of Occurrence and Some Unusual Properties

R. P. Lepping, C.-C. Wu, D. B. Berdichevsky and A. Szabo

Global MHD Modeling of the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere for the Whole Heliosphere Interval

P. Riley, R. Lionello, J. A. Linker, Z. Mikic and J. Luhmann, et al.

Understanding the Behavior of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field and the Solar Wind During the Unusual Solar Minimum Between Cycles 23 and 24

L. Zhao and L. Fisk

Solar Rotational Periodicities and the Semiannual Variation in the Solar Wind, Radiation Belt, and Aurora

Barbara A. Emery, Ian G. Richardson, David S. Evans, Frederick J. Rich and Gordon R. Wilson

Impact of CIR Storms on Thermosphere Density Variability during the Solar Minimum of 2008

Jiuhou Lei, Jeffrey P. Thayer, Wenbin Wang and Robert L. McPherron

Some Characteristics of the Ionospheric Behavior During the Solar Cycle 23 – 24 Minimum

Eduardo A. Araujo-Pradere, Rob Redmon, Mariangel Fedrizzi, Rodney Viereck and Tim J. Fuller-Rowell

Ionospheric Day-to-Day Variability Around the Whole Heliosphere Interval in 2008

Wenbin Wang, Jiuhou Lei, Alan G. Burns, Liying Qian and Stanley C. Solomon, et al.

Solar EUV Spectrum Calculated for Quiet Sun Conditions

M. Haberreiter

Solar Cycle Effects on the Dynamics of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s Magnetospheres

C. M. Jackman and C. S. Arridge
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