[Whi] Third Announcement: IAU286 -- Scientific Program Now Online and Registration Deadline Approaching!

Whole Heliosphere Interval whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Mon Jun 13 15:08:22 MDT 2011

Third Announcement

IAU Symposium 286: Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing Quiet Times in the Sun and Stars
October 3-7, 2011, Mendoza, Argentina

Scientific Program Now Online and Registration Deadline Approaching!

The goal of IAU S286 will be to consider solar and stellar minima, from generative dynamo mechanisms, to in-depth analyses from Sun to Earth for recent well-observed and modeled minima, to the range in stellar cyclic activity, to outlier "grand minima".  Solar, heliospheric, geospace, atmospheric, stellar, and planetary science are included in the meeting's scope.  The meeting will be held in Mendoza, Argentina, at the foot of the Andes Mountains: "The land of Sun and good wine".

The scientific program is now online, please see
	http://iaus286.iafe.uba.ar/program.html  (direct link)

The deadline for registration, abstract submission, and hotel reservation is fast approaching: 15 July 2011.

Sarah Gibson
p.o. box 3000
Boulder, CO
303-497-1589 (fax)

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