[Whi] AGU SH05: Searching for a Minimum 'Ground State' for the Sun

Whole Heliosphere Interval whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Fri Mar 5 12:38:29 MST 2010


American Geophysical Union

2010 The Meeting of the Americas


Place: Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil


Dates: August 8-13, 2010

Note Abstract Deadline: March 31


SH05:  Searching for a Minimum 'Ground State' for the Sun

Sponsor:  SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics



David F. Webb (ISR, Boston College), Cristina Mandrini (IAFE) and Sarah E.
Gibson (NCAR/High Altitude Observatory)



Solar minimum is the time of lowest solar activity and simplest heliospheric
structure. Extensive observations combined with modeling advances over
recent cycles enable an interdisciplinary view of the origins and effects of
solar cycle variations. This session follows from international coordinated
campaigns such as the Whole Sun Month and the Whole Heliosphere Interval.
Those seek to characterize the system at its most basic state, and to
understand the variations within and between solar minima. The focus of this
session will be on variations between solar minima, how they arise, and how
they influence the Earth's environment.




David F. Webb

AFRL/RVBXS       &      ISR; Boston College

29 Randolph Road

Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010

Tel.: 781-377-3086      Fax: 781-377-3160

E-mail: david.webb at hanscom.af.mil 


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