[Whi] Deadline Extended: WHI papers for special Topical Issue of Solar Physics

Whole Heliosphere Interval whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Wed Jun 23 22:21:45 MDT 2010

The deadline to submit papers for the WHI Special Topical Issue of the  
Journal Solar Physics has been extended to Wednesday, September 15,  
2010. Papers can still be submitted prior to September 15, but we have  
heard from several authors regarding the status of their papers and it  
was determined that a mid-September deadline will be more feasible.

Please note that we must still receive a statement of intent from each  
author who intends to submit a paper, so if you haven't submitted a  
statement of intent please do so. Editors Mario Bisi, Barbara Emery  
and Barbara Thompson review the statements of intent to determine  
whether the paper will be relevant to the WHI topical issue, and  
authors are then notified of the result.  The date that the editors  
originally requested for statements of intent has passed; we can still  
review abstracts on a case-by-case basis, but we must receive a  
statement of intent as soon as possible.

The statements should be send to whi.sola {at} gmail.com and include  
(as close as possible to the anticipated publication): (i) title, (ii)  
abstract, (iii) author list, (iv) estimated number of Solar Physics  
pages, and (v) three suggestions for referees, preferably with email.

The papers we receive will then be submitted to the journal for  
referee review. The estimated publication date will be early- to  
mid-2011. To submit a paper, go to http://www.editorialmanager.com/ 
sola/, log in as an author (register if needed), then choose "Topical  
Issue: WHI" for the Article Type.
Manuscripts will appear online as they are accepted, and manuscripts  
that have not completed the refereeing and revision process by the  
cutoff for hardcopy publication of the Topical Issue will appear in a  
subsequent, regular issue of the journal. In order to respect all  
participants, we will push hard on referees to respect their deadlines  
and on authors for revisions.

Kind regards,

Mario Bisi, Barbara Emery, and Barbara Thompson

WHI Topical Issue Guest Editors

Lidia van Driel and John Leibacher

Solar Physics Journal Editors
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