[Whi] First Announcement: WHI Joint Discussion at Rio IAU General Assembly

whi at mailman.ucar.edu whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Wed Jan 7 12:29:08 MST 2009

IAU General Assembly Joint Discussion JD16: Whole Heliosphere Interval
August 12-14, 2009
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) is an international coordinated  
observing and modeling effort to characterize the 3-dimensional  
interconnected solar-heliospheric-planetary system, i.e., the  
"heliophysical" system. The observing campaigns originated with study  
of the 3-D solar structure from solar Carrington Rotation 2068, which  
runs from March 20 - April 16, 2008. Observations and models of the  
outer heliosphere and planetary impacts extend beyond those dates as  
necessary; for example, the solar wind transit time to outer planets  
can take months.

IAU JD16 will cover both theoretical, modeling and observational  
aspects involving solar, heliospheric and planetary topics including,  
e.g., the Solar Cycle, Solar Activity, Solar Magnetic Fields, the  
Solar Wind, the Outer Heliosphere, Corotating Interacting Regions,  
Geomagnetic Storms, Ionospheric Disturbances, Magnetotail Dynamics and  
Space Weather Effects.  The focus will be on analyses of observations  
obtained during WHI, and simulations and modeling involving those data  
and that period.   Consideration of the WHI interval in the context of  
surrounding solar rotations and/or in comparison to last solar minimum  
are also encouraged.  Our goal will be to identify connections and  
commonalities, i.e. universal physical processes, between the various  
regions of the heliosphere.

We encourage everyone with observations or model results associated  
with the WHI period to submit an abstract for this IAU GA Joint  

Upcoming deadlines: Jan 31, 2009 -- IAU membership/GA invitation
					March 1, 2009 -- early registration, travel grant application,  
and abstract submission

Please see http://ihy2007.org/WHI/jd16.shtml for further details.

Sarah Gibson
p.o. box 3000
Boulder, CO
303-497-1589 (fax)

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