[Whi] Abstract deadline approaching for WHI session

whi at mailman.ucar.edu whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Wed Feb 27 17:07:52 MST 2008

Dear WHI folk,

The deadline for AGU/SPD abstract submission is coming up (March 5  
2359 UT).  As mentioned in a previous email, we have organized a  
special WHI session (SH03).   We realize it is soon after WHI  
finishes, but it presents an opportunity for us to gather and assess  
the range of observations taken during WHI.   For this reason, if you  
plan to attend this meeting and will have any WHI observations, either  
synoptic or targetted, we encourage you to submit an abstract (note  
that this meeting allows multiple first author submissions).  We will  
be gathering presentations, oral and poster, on a flash drive and  
posting them on the web site so this will be a good way to quickly  
communicate a summary of observations to the worldwide WHI community.

Abstracts may be submitted via the online submission form: http://submissions5.agu.org/submission/entrance.asp


Sarah Gibson
p.o. box 3000
Boulder, CO
303-497-1589 (fax)

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