[Whi] WHI Data and Model Access

whi at mailman.ucar.edu whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Fri Aug 22 11:31:01 MDT 2008

To the Whole Heliosphere Interval team:

Hi everyone!

We are completing the preparation for the WHI Data and Modeling  
Assessment Workshop. An updated agenda, with full working group  
descriptions, has been posted on the meeting home page: http:// 

Many of you have already submitted data and model information, and  
we're happy to receive updates from the rest of you (BTW, heliosphere  
is beating solar and geospace in data submissions!). The data and  
model results are coming in, and we're placing them on the site at:


Even if you can't attend the workshop, please consider contributing  
data and participating in the discussion via email. Please note that  
we can include *anything* in your DATA subdirectory: images, posters,  
presentations, raw data, programs & analysis subroutines, data  
policies, and links to online data services and any relevant  
information.  We include these links to make it easiest for the users  
- please remember that many members of the WHI community will not be  
familiar with your data and models so summary plots and complete  
descriptions are *very* welcome!

More explicit guidelines are available at : http://ihy2007.org/WHI/ 
DATA/00_WHI_Info_Request.shtml - data updates can be sent to  
whi.data at gmail.com

Thank you!!

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