[Whi] WHI: The Next Chapter

whi at mailman.ucar.edu whi at mailman.ucar.edu
Tue Apr 22 16:30:12 MDT 2008

Dear WHI colleagues:

Thank you and congratulations on an exceptionally successful  
campaign!!  Now the real work begins :)

To prepare for the WHI Data and Modeling Assessment Workshop (25 - 29  
August, 2008 in Boulder, CO), we would like to begin by compiling a  
complete summary of the observations performed and the models that  
will be used to interpret the data.  Note: all are invited to the WHI  
workshop, and if you cannot participate in person, we request  
participation via the internet.

To spur us onward, I will be presenting a summary of WHI observations  
and models at the upcoming American Geophysical Union meeting  
happening 27 - 30 May, 2008. In doing this, I will also try to  
provide a complete listing on the WHI website.  Therefore, we are  
requesting the WHI observers and modelers respond to this request BY  
MONDAY MAY 19, 2008.

All data providers are requested to provide the following information:

We would like names, institutes and email addresses of all supporting  
observers, so that they may receive credit and official mention for  
participating in WHI.

1) Observatory and/or Instrument: If on a spacecraft, give spacecraft  
and instrument name.  If ground-based, give instrument name and  
location (city, latitude & longitude)
2) Written assessment/summary of daily observations (to be used on  
the entry web page for the observations).  Please give start and stop  
times of WHI observations for each day, measurement type, and any  
other useful information.  Please be sure to indicate which data were  
also included in targeted observing campaigns (see http://ihy2007.org/ 
3) Summary plots and images:  we would greatly appreciate it if you  
could provide some summary plots by May 18.  We expect to have  
complete summary plots by August.  If your summary plots are  
contained in an online database or virtual observatory, please  
provide query parameters so that we may identify the WHI data in the  
4) Data access: we can make WHI data available through the WHI  
website, or you can tell us where we will be able to find the data.  
Please note that we make a distinction between "data" and "summary  
plots," as in many cases the summary plots will be much briefer than  
the complete data complement. If the campaign data are stored an  
online archive or virtual observatory, supply query parameters.
5) Publication(s) or website describing instrument or the  
instrument's data (i.e. anything that may be helpful in interpreting  
the data)


1) Provide the type of phenomenon modeled (i.e. ring current, solar  
wind, substorms, interstellar pickup ions, etc.)
2) Provide region covered by the model (i.e. magnetotail, L=2 to 5, . 
1 to 4 solar radii, termination shock)
3) Provide dates of WHI observations that the model will cover
4) Provide summary plots or images produced by the model
5) List publications or website describing the model (i.e. anything  
that may be helpful in understanding the model)


We will do our best to ensure that all WHI participants receive  
proper credit for their efforts. Please list the publication policy  
for your campaign data, or provide a reference for an existing  
policy.  Additionally, if any of your images, models, or plots are  
used in a WHI publication, please list the names and affiliations of  
the co-authors who should appear on the publication.

Best wishes,

Barbara Thompson, Sarah Gibson, and the WHI Team

Note:  Data coordination is a tough job.  Please let us know if you  
or anyone you know may be interested in helping in this effort. Prior  
experience is welcome; however, this also can be an excellent  
opportunity for a scientist early in their career to gain experience  
with multiple sources of data and international scientific coordination.
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