[tgcmgroup] Compiling tiegcm 2.0 res 2.5

Tim timothy.kodikara at rmit.edu.au
Wed May 18 00:37:41 MDT 2016


I successfully compiled tiegcm 2.0 to run with 5 degree resolution
(the default run).

But when I try the default run for resolution 2.5 it returns the
following error multiple times:
forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)

the error file is attached.

I tested 2.5 with 4,12,24,32 cpus and it failed in all instances.

I use the following make file settings

F90      = ifort

MPIF90   = mpifort

MPIRUN   = mpirun

FFLAGS   = -r8 -heap-arrays

DBGFLAGS = -debug full -traceback

DBGFLAGS += -fpe-all=0 # this traps all floating point exceptions

OPTIM    = -O3

LIBS     = -lcurl -lnetcdf -lnetcdff

HOST     = $(shell hostname)

LIB_ESMF = /apps/esmf/6.3.0rp1-intel/lib/libO/Linux.intel.64.openmpi.default

module versions:



Any help to fix this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time

Best wishes,

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