[Tgcmgroup] updated GPI and NCEP data files

Ben Foster foster at hao.ucar.edu
Fri May 6 18:01:02 MDT 2005

Hi tgcm group:

I have updated the netcdf data files for GPI and NCEP, for use
in TGCM models. The gpi file has data through day 59 of 2005, 
and the ncep file has data through day 120 of 2005. The file names are:

gpi_1979001-2005059.nc  (9556 days) (use with tiegcm or timegcm)
ncep_1979001-2005120.nc (9617 days) (use with timegcm only)

Both files are saved in $TGCMDATA (at both HAO and SCD), and
on the NCAR mss in /TGCM/data.

I have changed tgcm_config to link the updated files to the
execution directory, and also changed MkNamelist to include the
new files in the default namelist input file (albeit commented

The gpi file can be used in either tiegcm or timegcm, but the
ncep file is for timegcm only.


Ben Foster		      	High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
foster at ucar.edu			phone: 303-497-1595  fax: 303-497-1589  
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res.     P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA

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