[Tgcmgroup] tgcmproc f90

Ben Foster Ben Foster <foster@hao.ucar.edu>
Sun, 18 May 2003 13:28:18 -0600 (MDT)

Hi tgcmgroup:

I have updated the fortran postprocessor tgcmproc f90.
This is version 1.1. The main difference from v1.0 is in
the netcdf output files (sendcdf). These output files are
now readable by the tgcmproc IDL processor, including
height-interpolated and difference fields.

The new v1.1 mss executables are:

/TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_aix      # for IBM (dave)
/TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc_o2k      # for SGI (dataproc)

These will be acquired from the mss and executed if your 
batch job script has the following line:

INCLUDE $TGCMROOT/tgcmproc/get_tgcmproc

Please let me know if you have trouble with any existing scripts.
If you have any trouble with the new version, or if you need to 
run previous versions, please contact me, or use the following 
executables from the mss:

/TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc1.0_aix   # old version 1.0 for IBM 
/TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc1.0_o2k   # old version 1.0 for SGI 
/TGCM/tgcmproc/tgcmproc0.0_o2k   # old version 0.0 for SGI 

You may copy and use /home/tgcm/tgcmproc/tgcmproc.job to submit
jobs (using the submit command /home/tgcm/bin/submit) to either 
SGI (dataproc) or IBM (dave). This script also has comments about 
how to override get_tgcmproc in order to use older executables.

Of course, to avoid queues, you can also simply acquire the mss 
executable yourself (from /TGCM/tgcmproc), add execute permissions 
(chmod u+x),  and execute it interactively with your input file on 
either the SGI or IBM machines.


Ben Foster		      	High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
foster@ucar.edu			phone: 303-497-1595  fax: 303-497-1589  
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res.     P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA