[Stoch] Stochastic Physics Position at DWD

Martin Köhler Martin.Koehler at dwd.de
Thu Dec 22 07:49:27 MST 2011

We are currently advertising a 3 year research position on "stochastic
description of physical processes".  We are particularly interested to
design a stochastic physics framework for the new global weather and
climate model ICON that will run at 5km/10km/20km (regional to global)
in it's first ensemble NWP implementation.

Please have a look at the attached advertisement or respond to me
(martin.koehler at dwd.de) or Bodo Ritter (bodo.ritter at dwd.de).


   - Martin

German Advertisement:


English Advertisement:

For our research unit on „Physical processes“ (FE14) in our business
area „Research and Development“ in the German Meteorological Service
(DWD) at Frankfurt/Offenbach starting the earliest possible date, we are
looking for a

Research Scientist

Research Area “Stochastic description of physical processes”
(Reference Number 20111031)

to be filled as a temporary position for 3 years.

The post is part of the special research project “Improvement of Weather
Prediction by Use of Satellite Data, Ground-based Remote Sensing and
Ensemble-Concepts” with the task to develop innovative data assimilation
methods based on ensemble approaches and prepare it for operational use
to fully exploit the potential of existing and future remote sensing
data. Further, the improved use of remote sensing data needs the
development and implementation of appropriate evaluation and validation
methods, to support the target-oriented improvement of data assimilation
methods and provide hints for the optimization of future measurement
methods for developers and manufacturers of remote sensing systems.

The job description includes the following activities:

- Scientific development and efficient implementation on high
performance computers of methods for the stochastic description of
physical processes in the numerical weather prediction models of the DWD

- Investigation of the impact of stochastic parameterization schemes on
the ensemble-based forecast components of the NWP system of the DWD in
collaboration with developers in the field of data assimilation and
ensemble modeling

- Documentation of procedures and results, presentation of results at
internal and external meetings and in scientific journals.

Necessary Requirements for the Candidates are:

- Scientific Studies with a master degree or Diplom, preferably in
Meteorology, Mathematics or Physics

- Solid knowledge of English and German (spoken and written).

Further Requirements:

- Solid knowledge in the field of numerical weather forecasts

- Extensive knowledge and experience in the parameterization of physical
processes in the atmosphere

- Firm knowledge and experiences in the programming languages FORTRAN or
C and about the operating system UNIX/Linux

- Knowledge and Experiences in the field of ensemble methods and the
processing and visualization of complex and comprehensive data sets

- Good skills in communication and cooperation (in an interdisciplinary

- Creativity and Innovation

- Ability to transfer complex theoretical approaches into practical
methods as well as to think and act conceptionally, self-reliant and

- Good motivation and initiative, skills in planning and project
management as well as presentation of scientific results

International experiences are advantageous.

The post is rated according to EG 13 TVöD. The assignment of levels will
be carried out according to the personal experiences.

Part-Time assignment is possible.

The Deutscher Wetterdienst is committed to enhancing the balance between
work and family and has been awarded with the ‘Job and Family’
certificate of the German Hertie Foundation for its efforts. For more
information please visit the www.beruf-und-familie.de website.

Women with equivalent skills and experiences will be given preference
according to the law about equal opportunities.

Seriously disabled applicants with equal competences will be given
preference. Only a minimum of physical ability is needed.

Your application with significant and complete documents as copies
without folder (we do not send back any documents) and citing the
reference number 20111031 (without reference number we cannot process
your application) must reach our service center (for employees via
official chain of command) until 15.01.2012

Dienstleistungszentrum für Personalgewinnung und
im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und
Schloßplatz 9, 26603 Aurich, Deutschland.

Please send your application via E-Mail to 1031.dlz.persorg at wsv.bund.de
(maximal appendix size is 12 MB).

For further administrative advice please contact Frau Isabel Seeber,
Tel.: 0049 69/8062-4256. Scientific questions can be addressed to Bodo
Ritter (Bodo.Ritter at dwd.de Tel.: 0049 69/8062-2703).

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