[pyngl-talk] Potential code for PyNgl function Ngl.gc_inout

Kevin Hallock hallock at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 12 17:35:33 MDT 2019

Hi Austin,

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having trouble with Ngl.gc_inout. The source code for gc_inout can be found in the files src/paft/sgtoolsP.c <https://github.com/NCAR/pyngl/blob/develop/src/paft/sgtoolsP.c> in the PyNGL repository and ni/src/lib/nfpfort/sg_tools.f <https://github.com/NCAR/ncl/blob/develop/ni/src/lib/nfpfort/sg_tools.f> in the NCL repository.

I tried running the gc_inout example code you provided that was unexpectedly returning None, and I experienced the same issue. I tried running the code using a debugger and was unable to quickly determine the root cause of the problem, so unfortunately there’s no quick fix that I can suggest.

Thanks for reporting the bug and for creating an issue on GitHub <https://github.com/NCAR/pyngl/issues/19>. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to fix it, but having it on GitHub means that it’s on our radar.

For what it’s worth, gc_inout is one of a small subset of NCL computational functions that were wrapped into PyNGL a number of years ago; however, PyNGL is generally intended to be used for its NCL graphics functionality, and the process of adding more of NCL’s computational code to PyNGL was put on the back burner. That said, we’re currently working on a project called “GeoCAT-comp” which will feature a larger set of NCL’s computational functions wrapped into Python, and which may potentially include an updated implementation of gc_inout at some point in the future. The GeoCAT-comp project is in the very early stages of development, but you can learn more about it on the GeoCAT-comp GitHub <https://github.com/ncar/geocat-comp> repository.

Thanks again,

> On Sep 11, 2019, at 8:21 AM, Austin Reed via pyngl-talk <pyngl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've been having issues with the PyNgl function Ngl.gc_inout in that my computer returns "None" instead of the expected output. Would anybody happen to have access to the Fortran/C code for the Ngl.gc_inout function itself to see which instances it would return "None" for? This could helpful for me; I also tried getting in touch with Mary Haley, however the email did not go through.
> Thank you!
> Austin
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