[Proflist] Fwd: Southern Ocean session at the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting

Liz Marsis marsis at ucar.edu
Thu Aug 13 15:37:19 MDT 2015

Dear Colleagues:
We would like to draw your attention to the “*Physical and Biogeochemical
Processes in the Southern Ocean: Observations, State Estimation and
Modeling*” session (*Session ID: 9260*) at the 2016 Ocean Sciences meeting
in New Orleans, Louisiana on 21-26 February 2016.  The session description
is provided below.
*The abstract deadline is 23 September 2015. *Registration and abstract
submission is now open at https://osm.agu.org/2016/
Please, forward this announcement to your colleagues, collaborators or
students who may also be interested.

We hope you will consider contributing to the session and are looking
forward to receiving your abstracts and having an exciting session with
your participation.

*Session Description:*
The Southern Ocean, south of 30°S, occupies just under one-third of the
surface ocean area, yet it accounts for a disproportionate share of the
vertical exchange of heat, carbon and nutrients between the deep ocean, the
surface ocean and the atmosphere. Understanding the physical and
biogeochemical processes that determine the Southern Ocean’s mean state,
variability, and response to external forcing is critical to our
understanding of the climate system as a whole, and for reducing
uncertainties in climate projections. Recent advances in data collection,
state estimation and modeling capabilities have finally established the
necessary infrastructure to permit a deeper understanding of the Southern
Ocean’s processes that are relevant to climate. Working toward this goal,
this session will present new results based on modeling and/or
observational efforts that investigate biogeochemical processes,
large-scale and mesoscale circulation, mixing, as well as ocean-atmosphere
and ocean-ice interactions.

Conveners of the session

Igor Kamenkovich (ikamenkovich at rsmas.miami.edu)
Stephen Riser (riser at ocean.washington.edu)
Joellen Russell (jrussell at email.arizona.edu)
Ariane Verdy (averdy at ucsd.edu)
Joellen L. Russell, PhD
1885 Society Distinguished Scholar
Associate Professor, Depts. of Geosciences and Planetary Sciences
University of Arizona
Phone: 520-626-2194
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