[Proflist] Announcement and Call for Papers for the Third AMS Symposium on the JCSDA

Ana Carrion - NOAA Affiliate ana.carrion at noaa.gov
Thu Jul 3 08:40:36 MDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society
(AMS) to be held 4-8 January 2015 in Phoenix, AZ, there will be a joint
program focusing on current, future, and conceptual satellite systems and
their operational and research applications.  A major goal of this program
is to illustrate the cutting-edge utility of satellite data for predicting
and analyzing meteorology, oceanography, and climate variables and their
synthesis into environmental applications.  The 3rd Symposium on the Joint
Center for Satellite Data Assimilation will be one of the components of the
joint program.

The success of the Program will depend on student involvement.  Therefore,
the Joint Program will host a reception to support interaction between
students and more senior participants.  Additionally, a $200 award will be
given to the best poster and best oral presentations in each of the three
Joint Program conferences, for a total of six presentation awards.
 Students that submit abstracts to the 20th Conference on Satellite
Meteorology can also compete for two $550 awards to help cover travel

Please find more information in the attached call for papers.  We encourage
you to electronically submit an abstract
<http://ams.confex.com/ams/95Annual/oasys.epl> for an oral or poster
session by the 1 August 2014 deadline.  We look forward to a great meeting!

For additional information please contact one of the co-chairs of the Joint
Program Committee: Derek Possett, University of Michigan (Tel: 734-936-0502
; dposselt at umich.edu); Ken Carey, ERT, Inc. (Tel: 703-980-0500;
ken.carey at ertcorp.com); Gary McWilliams, Goddard Space Flight Center, JPSS
Program Office, (Tel: 240-684-0597;Gary.Mcwilliams at noaa.gov); Pat Kablick,
University of Maryland/US Naval Research Lab (Tel: 202-767-2904;
pkablick at atmos.umd.edu); Jim Yoe, JCSDA (Tel: 301-683-3515;
James.G.Yoe at noaa.gov); and Chris Velden, University of Wisconsin-CIMSS
(Tel: 608-262-9168; chrisv at sseec.wisc.edu).

Best Regards,
2015 AMS Joint Satellite Program Organizers


*James G. (Jim) Yoe, PhDChief Administrative Officer Joint Center For
Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA)NWS - National Centers for Environmental
Prediction *

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