[Proflist] JCSDA Seminar, June 20: Weng

George Ohring george.ohring at noaa.gov
Wed Jun 13 14:07:32 MDT 2012

Note: Access to the WebEx webcast is limited to the first 25 participants.
If you are locked out, don't despair; the slides are at
Colleagues in the same office are encouraged to share the WebEx connection.
Participants in the conference call are urged to mute their telephones or
maintain absolute silence in their rooms.

* *

*JCSDA Seminar*


*Assessments of the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) and
Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) for NWP Data Assimilation*


*Fuzhong Weng,

*Date,  Time & Place*

*Wednesday, June 20, 2012
**2:00 – 3:00 PM, *World Weather Building, *Room 707*, 5200 Auth Road, Camp
Springs, MD 20746


The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) Advanced Technology
Microwave Sounder (ATMS) provides 22 channels for probing atmospheric
temperature and water vapor under all weather conditions. After intensive
cal/val studies, the ATMS TDR data quality is similar to the Advanced
Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS). The
global O-B distributions of ATMS temperature sounding channels are fairly
uniform, which is a desirable characteristic for NWP applications. For
quality control of clouds and precipitation affected radiances, the AMSU-A
cloud liquid algorithm has been refined for ATMS applications. A new
approach is developed for ATMS TDR to SDR conversion using the NPP
pitch-over maneuver data. Using ATMS SDR data, the O-B displays less
scan-angle dependence. On board the DMSP satellite, the Special Sensor
Microwave Imager and Sounder (SSMIS) provides 24 channels for imaging and
sounding the earth atmosphere. The radiance anomalies of the lower
atmospheric sounding (LAS) channels were initially detected by analyzing
NWP O-B and found to be associated with the radiation emitted by the
antenna reflector and the solar contamination on the calibration targets.
Algorithms have been developed to correct these anomalies. After the
correction, impacts of SSMIS data on NWP medium-range forecast skills are

*Remote Access*

*Video:* 1. Go to JCSDA
click on the seminar title
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: JCSDAseminars707
4. Click "Join Now".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
*Audio: *USA participants: 1-866-715-2479,  Passcode: 9457557
International:                    1-517-345-5260


If you would like to present a seminar contact George.Ohring at noaa.gov

*Seminar Files*

Slides available the day before and audio recording the day after the
presentation at  http://www.jcsda.noaa.gov/JCSDASeminars.php
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